Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Studio guard dogs hard at work.

Tony hard at work.

Applying the seams.

The last thing to sculpt before I apply the second texturing pass are the seams along the back of the bean Pods. Seams as shown are in thier initial state and still need to be refined  further.

Transition between applied clay and texture.

There are still a few areas to work with texture. You can see low areas in this photo that will be filled in with additional clay as I texture.

Texture details

This is the initial texture. There will be another texturing pass made over the entire piece to make sure there are no low/high areas that still need to be dealt with and then I will then go through and smooth all of the texture off of the high points to provide contrast.

Bean Pods totally covered with clay.

At this point the pods are completly covered in clay and most of the surface has had the initial texture put on.